Junior Hacking Talent - Quay Ngược Thời Gian Writeup
We’ll start off by dumping all the strings contained in the memory dump with
❯ strings mem.mem > memstr.txt
As the CTF hinted that there was SSH connection established with the use of a
private key, we can look for those with grep
and the fact that these keys
usually starts with BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY
❯ grep "OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY" memstr.txt -A 40
Looking at the result, there are plenty of matches for the start of the keys but
most of them are missing the end which is END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY
. The ones
which contains both of these are complete and seems to be repetition of the same
key. We’ll be saving it into a file named id_rsa
Also, make sure that the key has proper permission for it to work
❯ chmod 600 id_rsa
Next up is searching for the ssh command inside the memory dump to use this key with
❯ grep "ssh " memstr.txt
ssh -C -l %u %h exec /usr/sbin/imapd
possible to restrict the ssh key to "borg serve" using the
[00m$ ssh trung1423
ssh trung1423
ssh trung149@ -p 18888
[00m$ ssh trung1423
ssh trung1423
vm@ubuntu:~$ ssh trung149@ -p 18888
ssh in a
ssh -C -l %u %h exec /usr/sbin/imapd
We now have both the key and the ssh user, IP and port to establish the SSH connection.
❯ ssh trung149@ -p 18888 -i id_rsa
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